Junior Member
April 2015 - Oct 9, 2023 16:06:22 GMT
Post by daarbennikweer on Apr 20, 2017 14:15:07 GMT
Dear friends, Finally we get to witness the 'flytoballoon' ;flyto and ;balloon functions in a webbrowser! Yippy! This finaly opens up for creating location (geo) quizes 'for the masses'. Credits to the (New) Google Earth (for Chorme and Android) developer that finaly tackled this longstanding change request! I will be watching further progress closely and I posted a link to my flyto-quiz template in the Tools section. Sadly the ;balloonFlyto bug wasn't resolved in one go but let's not focus on what it does not but instead see if we can possibly speed things up (again). Best regards, Daarbennikweer