Post by filsdabeille on May 17, 2016 11:28:06 GMT
Durrington walls made quite some noise end last year with regards to multiple burried megalith defined as the largest yet discoverd, and also latest technology.
What hasn't been mentionned are the geometric relashionship with Stonehenge and other peripherical mounts and landmarks.
If anything significative, it would be known and public informed.
Its not the case. So I suppose this may be of interest to anyone wishing to dig deeper, beyond the commercial and sensational aspects of the subject, into the real meaning of these sites.
Please see attached kmz and also pdf détails. (I hope some will forgive me dumping PDF on this Forum, but such wealth of information cannot simply be explainned on Google earth platform)
If anyone finds the subject somewhat interesting, please comment, there's so much more happening behind the scene...
Thanks for feedback
Further explannations :
I'm sorry, I hadn't realised this Forum is essentially Anglo Saxon, and user's don't easily relate Km to customary Mile system.
Maybe a little clarification will help understand...
A simple device to convert Km to Miles: just divide the actual Km distance by ϕ to get a good ½% error approximation.
This because 1 mile = 1,609344 Km, almost 1,618 or ϕ Km.
So, would have 1 Mile = ϕ Km as should have been, the radius of the earth would have been :
2/πϕ 104 Miles or 2/πx104 Km as presently is (with negligible error).
Actual standards have diverged for number of reasons, but both standards stem from same source.
It could be this conversion Miles to Kilometres has passed unnoticed, but it is however of great importance to understand the history of our present day standards, and where they came from, and reasons why can be found in remote areas such as Guatemala Tikal pyramid..
The correlation between the two standards can be understood reading accounts of 17th century Livio Burattini, Jhon Greaves and John Wilkins associated on a time line.
It's really worth looking into, but outside this Forum's context.
If not entirely convinced, a glance at the Kheops pyramid will highlight the same relation between apothem and base of the Pyramid.
Up to you to verify...
[filelink type="pdf" href=""]Durrington Walls[/filelink]