April 2015 - May 29, 2016 12:09:59 GMT
Post by Daren on Jan 6, 2016 4:12:24 GMT
A conceptual analysis of using canals to refill the Salton Sea ( Cahuilla Sea) to historic pre 1600 AD levels. Refill The Cahuilla Sea.kmz (174.15 KB) The concept represents the Salton Sea filled to sea level. Tidal flushing would fill the Sea and provide some circulation of sea water into and out of the sea. A canal runs sixty miles Northward from the Sea of Cortez to feed the existing Laguna Salada (this stretch is all near sea level). From Laguna Salada a canal runs East for five miles to the Salton Sea near Mexicali (this stretch requires additional excavation through approximately 40' elevation). The canal avoids the Colorado River delta and passes West through the desert. Obviously, Mexico-USA cooperation is required and several US cities would need to be relocated to the nearest shore. Cities could be rebuilt new on the new shores including new roads, sewer, power, and related infrastructure as well as community parks along the shore line. The Canal would fill the Sea eliminating the current stagnation and provide vast resources for new wildlife and commercial fishing. The Canal would allow for the introduction of commercial freight and cruise terminals in both US and Mexico (including Laguna Salada). Cruise ships would provide additional tourism opportunities for towns along the Sea of Cortez. The Canal could also provide electricity for neighboring communities utilizing the tidal bore. The Sea would potentially cool weather patterns to Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. The Sea would potentially increase rainfall in Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico.