June 2015 - Jun 19, 2015 14:55:48 GMT
Post by soroush on Jun 19, 2015 13:30:16 GMT
what are these green spots?!!!!!!!C5.kmz (806 B)
Senior Member
Backyard Astronomer
April 2015 - Jan 25, 2016 4:03:31 GMT
“ Languishing in Twentynine Palms „
Post by Gregg1956 on Jun 19, 2015 22:36:58 GMT
When I saw your green spot, I saw a blue spot nearby. So I predicted (to myself) that I'd find a red spot because those three colors (RGB) make up every palette. I couldn't find it at first because of your tilted POV. When I pressed the U key, my red spot appeared. It's an image error. Nothing more.
Master Guide
March 2015 - Jan 20, 2022 4:27:51 GMT
Post by Hill on Jun 19, 2015 22:49:24 GMT
These are imagery flaws due either to a damaged sensor in the CCD satellite camera, or to errors introduced by processing. Similar spots have been reported in Brazil previously and can be read about in the archives HERE. (Use 1969 imagery to see them.) Another set of strings of dots was also found in Argentina and you can read the thread HERE. I looked around for a short time and found six more colored dots, many but not all of them green. They can be viewed in the attachment below.